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Archive for November, 2011

The NBA lockout has gone on for over 150 days. There has been many efforts to agree upon a new Collective Bargaining Agreement (CBA) for the past two years, but negotiations were officially broken down when the players union rejected the owner’s proposal and disbanded the union last week. This turn of event has moved […]

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This blog post takes a look at the up and coming online payment company called Dwolla. In an industry dominated by Paypal, Dwolla has managed to make a name for itself and is currently moving close to $50 million a month. What appeals to a lot of users of Dwolla is the fix charge of 25 […]

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For the first time since the beginning of the recession, people are excited about IPOs of companies. Among those companies that garnered attention for their IPO is Zynga, a social network game developer famous for games such as Farmville and CityVille. According to the embedded blog, Zynga is looking to begin trading on November 24. […]

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Many people have tried and failed in creating clones of successful internet companies such as Groupon and Facebook. Except the Samwer Brothers. These three German siblings have made a living from creating clones of internet companies from the US inEurope, and selling them to the original company. For instance, they started and sold Alando, a European […]

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I agree with Alison’s blog. Despite skepticism about the company’s business model, Groupon Inc. had a very successful IPO last week. In fact, it was the largest IPO of a US Web company since Google. It also turned several people, including CEO Andrew Mason, into billionaires. Early investors in the company, such as New Enterprise […]

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