Bye, Bye Mickey! Disney is Ready for the Next Generation

The first thing that comes into most people’s mind when Disney is being talked about is of course Mickey Mouse. However, this article proposed that Disney are slowly but surely getting away from that image. Yes, Mickey Mouse is the franchise face of Disney, but it might be too childish now for the young generations. Disney made a statement in 2009 by purchasing Marvel Entertainment for $4 billion, they believe that kids and teenagers nowadays will be more attracted to superheroes that Marvel Entertainment have.

Bob Iger’s (CEO of Disney) latest acquisition was Lucasfilm, allowing Disney to bring Star Wars into their franchise. This move solidifies their intention to move on and make super heroes the “new cool thing”. I think this is a good strategy as Disney are adjusting to the current demand. I do think however Disney should still promote Mickey Mouse as it is their roots and customers have associated Disney with Mickey Mouse for a long time. There is no doubt however that acquisition of both Lucasfilm and Marvel Entertaiment will bring a new fresh air into Disney and in turn will generate a lot of profit


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