RE: Google Glasses

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I have to say that I disagree with Dillon Young’s take on Google Glass. He believes that Google Glass will be the “next big thing”. However I’ve mentioned before that I am quite a tech enthusiast in my previous blog post, I believe all the hype will die down and it wont be a successful product. Google glasses rely heavily on the voice command by the users, as it is how the device is operated.

Looking at the current development state of technology, voice command will easily be beaten by sensors. We are currently living in the world of sensors, where everything is being done for us without us having to do much effort. Simply hover your phone over a bar-code; you’ve scanned it and job done without having to do any command. I personally don’t think that Google glass would be a fashion statement, as the product doesn’t look fashionable as of now; unless they will improve the look of the device in the future.


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