RE: Wal-Mart Increased its Ethical Value

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The issue that was raised here is that a Wal-Mart employee insulted Muslims customers due to their outfit by posting a picture on Facebook captioned with foul language. In this case, I complete agree with Intan Purnamasari Salim’s take on the issue. It is absolutely immoral and intolerable. First of all, being an Indonesian, I grew up surrounded by a lot of Muslims. Although I personally am not Muslim, I have a lot of Muslims friend and I’m sure that every single one of them will get deeply offended if such thing happened to them. The employee was being rude and flat out ignorant. I also commend Wal-Mart for firing the employee straight away, because it gives a clear message to the customers what Wal-Mart stands for. By doing so, Wal-Mart has proven to the public that they are a socially responsible corporation that has no tolerance with suck actions conducted by one of their ex-employee.


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