BlackJet Making Private Planes Available to More Travelers

The idea of traveling is always interesting because it is an action that is constantly done by everyone. Several aspects that are very important in traveling are both efficiency and comfort. Several airplanes issues have been raised during lectures, therefore I think it is appropriate to have an airplane related article to be part of my blog.

BlackJet proposed a new idea of traveling without the inconvenience of waiting in long lines to check in for your flights. They have a different value proposition than other airlines, where they focus heavily on the comfort of the passengers. Of course when there is a high level of comfort, the price will also be very high. BlackJet charged “$3500 for a trip from Los Angeles to New York City”. It is a lot of money to spend for a short distance flight. Nevertheless, I believe that BlackJet has a niche market where they will succeed and blossom. The high level of comfort that customers will get should be worth the price that they are paying for. Although, the customer segment might not be large, they still can reap a lot of profit due to the premium price.


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