Hate Typing Passwords? Log into your Mac Computer with your iPhone

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This blog detailed a new app that allows a person to knock on your iPhone to unlock MacBook. Hence a person does not have to physically type their password on their MacBook, he or she can just approach their Mac and simply knock on their iPhone. Some people might thing that this app solves a problem that doesn’t really exist, well except laziness, Id like to think differently. Entering password into laptop could be a hassle, especially when a person is an a hurry. This app also highlights “coolness” and has a futuristic concept to it. Imagine how cool would it look if you can just walk up to your laptop, knock on your phone and your laptop will automatically be unlocked? As a person who has a lot of interests in technology, I find this app very encouraging in technology development. I believe that someday a technology like this would be a standard that most people will have because it looks cool and it’s actually efficient.



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