Camosun College Goes Green

Camoson College. Source:

Universities and post-secondary institutions around the world are now focusing towards sustainability in their campuses. Camosun College is involved with social entrepreneurship, creating a sustainability plan which features new solar-power charging stations, a solar-powered Environmental Technology field project, rainwater harvesting, and a compost program initiative. This plan will reduce the amount of waste produced on campus and reduce carbon emission levels. Camosun is not yet listed on the STARS rating system (a rating system which measures the sustainability of institutions), however, they are certainly on the right track to receive a respectable rating.

Solar panels implemented at Camosun. Source:

Camosun also understands the business aspect of becoming a sustainable institution. In the article, they stated that having an “environmentally focused business strategy is not only good for the environment, but also good for business”, which integrates into the CSR & Sustainability concepts learned in class. Camosun is creating shared value for their business, by implementing new technologies to create a more energy efficient campus which should reduce electricity costs, and also addresses and meets the needs of economical, social, and environmental factors. Their recent actions shows that they care about humanity, and are looking to continue to innovate for a more sustainable future.



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