Starting a business? Promote it with Twitter. Even the giants do it.

Marketing through Twitter. Source:


New business start-ups are quite inflexible in terms of financial freedom, as they lack capital as their business is in the maturation process. Marketing for new businesses are tricky, as they cannot afford to pay high prices to promote themselves on high consumer based media outlets. The solution? Twitter. Twitter currently owns the 3rd highest market share for social media, and is a great way to create buzz and keeps possible customers interested in your product or service. Best of all IT IS FREE. Following the simple yet effective flowchart shown above, marketing on Twitter is a low-risk, high reward marketing strategy that can only generate more revenue for your business. Numerous large firms also use Twitter to market, showing the flexibility Twitter has in marketing.

Thinking about becoming a future entrepreneur myself, learning about effective efficient ways to market a growing company will be immensely beneficial to my start up company.  Learning from Jennifer Lonoff Schiff’s blog, “14 Ways to Use Twitter to Market Your Business“, the tips will teach myself and companies to maximize Twitter as a tool for marketing their firm. Having a new-aged marketing strategy is not only refreshing, but it attracts a younger demographic to your good.

Book from Mark W. Schaefer, The Tao of Twitter. Source:

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