Food for Thought


In a recent media article concerning about the business ethics regarding food safety, blog posts by fellow classmates Niki Non, and Lingjie Zhou touches on the epidemic of businesses using unethical business models and shortcuts, which endangers public safety to just to increase profits . Are businesses so concerned about saving a few dollars over the fact that people, in particular babies, may die?

This issue is a difficult one to digest as it makes one wonder, what drives businesses to the point where money is valued more than the well-being of a human, or even a human life? The thought of companies making unethical decisions such as using expired meat or using poisonous chemicals in their food disgusts me as mentioned in Niki’s and Lingjie’s blog post disgusts me.

The most recent article that I have linked above discusses the promotion of food safety in the U.S. Although the article focuses on mishandled food in restaurants, I feel that they should also bring to the attention of corporations who uses non-FDA approved chemicals, foods that contain GMO’s and expired foods. The world needs to come to a realization and to take a stand that our safety must be the absolute top priority.


Gold Digger


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