Anton Emmanuel's Blog

Just another UBC Blogs site

Are Facebook’s Obligations to Wall Street Hurting Small Businesses?

As I sifted through section 106’s blogs, a particular post caught my eye. Written by Jolena Sun, the post discussed the notion of ‘organic reach’ within Facebook’s online user interface. Organic Reach, by definition, is the total number of unique users that are shown a Facebook post through unpaid distribution. Conversely, ‘Paid Reach’ is the total […]

Sauder to Wall Street? — One Can Dream Right?

  I’ve always been interested in finance. And I guess you can say having watched Michael Douglas spin off Gordon Gekko in Wall Street 4278232922335651248468 times may have augmented that interest. When I arrived at Sauder, I joined a group of first-year students and we signed up for the National Investment Banking Competition (NIBC). As […]

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