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Mar 16 / agathaentote

#winning: Infamy Breeds Company

Oh Charlie Sheen, you never fail to amuse us with your crazy antics. Dating numerous strippers, beating up your girlfriends, going on cable TV to denounce your boss. You, who has the “DNA of Adonis” and “the blood of a tiger”, is currently jobless. Your string of marital problems is troubling, but does Hollywood care? I don’t think so. Sure no network in their right mind would hire Mr.Adonis but you can’t deny the firestorm of publicity Charlie Sheen’s weirdo interviews have generated – as well as the piggy-backers trying to ride on the coattails of Mr. Sheen’s infamy.

In their defense, the following people aren’t opportunistic vultures waiting to eat up the remains of Sheen’s career…or maybe they are. Nonetheless, this story (like many others) stresses the importance of maintaining a personal brand. Negative publicity can hurt your reputation – or in Sheen’s case, diversify your career options. Sadly, just like when Michael Jackson’s popularity skyrocketed after his untimely demise, we can expect Charlie Sheen to become even more famous post-Two and a Half Men. After all, who needs a crummy long-running show when you’ve been “blessed with a new brain” and have “magic…and poetry at [your] fingertips”?

  • Winnipeg, MB native Jarrett Moffatt dreamed up the site Live The Sheen Dream in his room one boring winter afternoon. To date, it has had nearly 396,000 Likes on Facebook and 15,000 retweets on Twitter. Even the man himself has described Moffatt’s “social media experiment” as “epic.”
  • From the publication house that brought you the Sarah Palin series of comics comes The Infamous Charlie Sheen. Bluewater Productions will be releasing the Sheen-centric comic book during the Summer months.

    Notice the stripper pattern on his suit? Very dapper.

  • One company not so happy with Sheen’s antics however (and no, it’s not WB) is Xango LLC., purveyors of XANGOâ„¢ Juice, which, according to the company website: “harnesses the nutritional attributes of the whole mangosteen fruit through a proprietary formula”. Now that must be why Sheen has so much vim and vigor these days, since he has been seen waving a machette around, a bottle of XJ in hand. The company’s quick to distance itself from Charlie Sheen though, confiding to gossip website TMZ’s sources that they are “very nervous” to be associated with him. Come on Xango, Charlie’s waiting for his sponsorship deal – don’t disappoint!
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