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Mar 17 / agathaentote

Angry M&Ms.

I know some of us here are huge fans of M&Ms. Some of us also happen to be Angry Birds addicts. M&Ms are round. Those lovable birds (and pigs) are round as well.

Ladies and gentlemen, may I present to you: Angry Birds M&Ms.

Okay, granted my Photoshop job wasn’t the sharpest (It came to me last night in the midst of Stats homework, so you can imagine what kind of craziness my mind was filled with), don’t you think it’s a stroke of genius? Imagine it now, Rovio can partner up with Mars Inc., M&Ms’ parent company and extend the Angry Birds brand to food! First we have Angry Birds plush toys, then came the tag-team with the animated feature Rio. Is there a limit to what or where our loveable feathered friends will go? The company’s long term goals include building up the Angry Birds brand and I think a partnership with such an influential confectionery company will only bring good things to the once struggling Rovio. If the partnership again takes off, this may lend itself to other food-related ventures such as Angry Birds breakfast cereal, and as crude as it sounds, Angry Birds bucket meals at KFC (oh the irony)!

There can be a whole marketing campaign surrounding these lovable birds!  I see it now: There can be instructions posted on the internet or distributed virally (e.g. YouTube, “street teams”, flyers) on how to build your own DIY catapualt to launch the M&Ms/breakfast cereal onto user-made “levels” with green M&Ms substituting for the pigs and graham crackers for wood planks etc. etc. – kind of like playing with your food (but infinitely better).

The games development company has in fact set itself some lofty goals: in an interview with tech magazine Wired, Rovio’s Peter Vesterbacka (who’s business card reads “Mighty Eagle”) outlines the company’s plans for these angry avian friends of ours: “What we’re doing is we’re building out the Angry Birds world…Pac-Man is only one game. Mario is a better benchmark.” Mars Inc. + Rovio = WIN.

Stay tuned for more Angry Birds/M&M mash-ups in future posts! I fully intend to make a whole set of them so check out the blog often~

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