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This is Agatha’s COMM 296 marketing blog. To see her portfolio, click here.

AGGY-TEA is the work of Agatha Entote, born and raised in the Philippines before immigrating to Canada. Currently a 2nd-year Commerce student at the University of British Columbia, AGGY-TEA is a break from the more serious things in life (like business school and puppies).

Fiddling with Photoshop 6 during 5th grade exposed Agatha to the world of graphic design. She has served as the ICAlette’s Layout Editor many eons ago during her high school years and it was during those years that her love for all things crazy and artsy (and amazing) flourished. Agatha was a previously a contributor for The Runner (Kwantlen Polytechnic University’s official news magazine) where she made spaztastic front covers. She is currently an assistant layout editor for The Cavalier, the CUS’s official newspaper.

Agatha is also an avid reader, video gamer and amateur gourmand. She makes a mean lasagna.

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