While looking for information regarding the USDA report, I stumbled upon this particular website called agrimony.com, and found it to be very informative. This, U.K. based website is similar to agriculture.com that I had shared last week. Agrimoney.com, is a one-step resource for experts and students who are interested in the area of agriculture economics. It provides up-to-date commodity prices, as well as news reports from all over the world. I specifically visited to see what their predictions were regarding the USDA report. They usually have extensive analysis by leading analysts like the Goldman Sachs. Therefore, I highly recommend all of you to consult this website to get an insider view on the USDA reports in the future. In my case, I made predictions based on the analysis on this website and the market behaved just the way I had anticipated.

Reuters.com is the second source of information which I would like to share this week. Although, Reuters news agency is known to cover news on broad issues, it does contain a few sections which are specific to different regions. Also, the news analysts on Reuters make a sincere effort to discuss an issue in a global context which helps in drawing important conclusions regarding the factors behind price changes in various commodities.

