Next week will be interesting because of the many political developments happening around the globe. Firstly, the U.S. election is bound to have an impact on the way prices fare in the market. Secondly, the predicted losses (estimated to be over 50 million dollars) to their economy after the deadly storm are due to have a significant impact on the U.S. dollar. If the U.S. dollar weakens then we should expect a higher commodity prices, whereas a stronger American economy will possibly lower the prices. There will also be some changes in the political set-up in China but I doubt anything will change in terms of policy or information coming out of that region. If anything significant doesn’t happen by Tuesday then I will revert to my previous plan of dealing with substitutable commodities and looking at price spreads. Another important development is going to be the release of the USDA report next week (on Thursday). From my previous experiences I have noted that the crop report does end up causing huge price surges. If indeed the USDA crop report shows a higher estimate of the Soybean supplies then we are bound to see a large downward decline in prices.