Two online resources were of particular interest to me this week. One was a website, based in South Asia named,1 which puts in perspective how the price commodity changes in North America may impact traders based in that part of the world. Moreover, the website is a great resource for day-to-day news and analysis on commodity prices. It is interesting to look at the factors which are important to them. For my trading, I got the most detailed analysis of the U.S. dollar devaluation from this website.

The second resource is a website named agriculture.com2.This is where I learnt about the record high soybean crop which is expected in Argentina. The website is a complete package. It specializes in keeping agronomists up-to-date on the events of the week. It provides a good account of weather patterns, price fluctuations and information on new and incoming reports. Other than that, it has a great learning material on the following topics: livestock, crops, agricultural technology, farm management, farm policies, and machinery. Also provided are links where one can interact with farmers, traders or columnists on the topics of their interest for the sake of discussion or even information.
