Put The Right Person on The Right Seat at The Right Time

          In contemporary society, more and more companies adopt psychological testing to find out if the employees are suitable for the job . Human resource departments regard this kind of testing as an important recruiting process because through the test, recruitment is highly enhanced and errors in hiring employees are reduced to the minimum.

       Psychological testing fits the definition of positive organizational culture. Like pieces of puzzles shown in the picture, organizational culture consists of every member’s values, beliefs and behaviours. A positive organizational culture also means employees work efficiently and thus provide better products or services. The man who bears a receptive mind when ordered to perform a task which he is interested in may fulfill his job brilliantly. But the malcontent who takes your order in disgust may cause big trouble to the company.  Therefore, a pleasure working environment not only makes employees satisfied with the job but also keeps off mistakes made by the company.  


Resources: globe and mail

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