Canada and US are Always Tied Together

Can: “hey bro, how long should you take to deal with your recession?”

Ame: “Why, does it matter to you?”

Can: “Of course, your recession badly restrains my growth. I cannot escape from  your nightmare.”

Ame: “How can I limit your growth? I did not even touch you.”

Can: “I don’t want to admit it, but that’s the fact.”


             The conversation above reveals the relationship between Can and Ame: one’s trouble is strong enough to destroy the its neighbor. Actually, Can represents Canada, whose economic growth is slowly and Ame is the United States, who is experiencing a “downdraft”. Due to their close relationships in international business, Canada’s fate is tied to that of the United States. In other words, the weaken US market adversely affects Canada’s economic growth. As America constantly post threats to Canada, Canada’s consumption, which drives the economy before, remains weak and depressive.

           From the event above, it is clearly that international business drives all members’ interests to the same direction. When one member falls down, the global economy will be forced to is in danger. When the whole environment is at risk, all members have to share the loss. Ultimately, nobody is capable of running away from the dilemma. Therefore, the fates of all members are closely bound up.

Resouece: The Vancouver Sun

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