Sadly, We Lack BTM Professionals!


         Recently, there are no enough people doing both technology and business well enough to match the needs of today’s market. This serious IT situation leads to a great tragedy that a large number of vacant IT positions are vacant while numerous outdated professionals who lack contemporary skills remain unemployed.

            According to the recent research, there is only one Canadian university, Ryerson providing BTM undergraduate degree. Obviously, it is still an age when people ignore the significant effect brought by Business technology management, which connects business and technology at every level in a company. Thus, as the nature of demand for ICT-related skills is changing, thousands of tech geeks are fading and leaving a miserable void in IT area.

           Actually, I think more and more Canadian universities need to offer BTM program to meet the demand of the digital market. Serving as the renaissance of business, BTM sets off a revolution in innovation with the usage of effective information architectures to process management appropriately.

Reference: The Globe And Mail

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