Automation and AI: Better business or Human Extinction?

Automation has helped mankind reach thresholds in industry, medicine and various other fields by speeding up repetitive tasks, performing tasks that are dangerous if performed by humans, intricate tasks that are impossible to perform by human hands and so on. In many instances humans have been replaced by automation causing unemployment, offset by human labour being employed in other functions. Today, businesses flourish by striking the right balance between human labour and automation. However, there are increasing concerns of automation replacing human capital entirely.


Robots in action

In the evolving job environment, it is important to take the following fact into account; humans are unique. Even in the future, there will be tasks that robots will be unable to execute, such as being able to use past experiences to improve workflow. A robot will be limited to certain experiences, which allow humans, who constantly evolve based on their experiences, to be more multifaceted. Some functions need human performance or intervention. Computers are unlikely to replicate the human aspects of entrepreneurship, salesmanship, etc.

As technology continues to develop, some jobs will undoubtedly be lost. Nonetheless, by pacing ourselves with changing technology, individuals and corporations can ensure that human capital will still be a pivotal aspect of industrial processes.


A unified approach will result in greatest efficiency


Davenport, Thomas H., and Julia Kirby. “Beyond Automation.” Harvard Business Review. Harvard Business School, 01 June 2015. Web. 04 Oct. 2015.

Ford, Paul. “Our Fear of Artificial Intelligence.” MIT Technology Review. The Massachusetts Institute of Technology, 11 Feb. 2015. Web. 04 Oct. 2015.

“On the Origin of (robot) Species.” Research. University of Cambridge, 12 Aug. 2015. Web. 04 Oct. 2015.

“Out of Control AI Will Not Kill Us, Believes Microsoft Research Chief.” BBC News. BBC News, 28 Jan. 2015. Web. 04 Oct. 2015.


Digital image. Metal Working World Magazine. N.p., n.d. Web. 04 Oct. 2015.

Digital image. Shutterstock, n.d. Web. 04 Oct. 2015. <>.

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