Cool Source #5

The craziness of Friday was a little bit scary especially as I had entered my short trade on wheat only to see prices continue to rise above the level that I had expected them to. There I was thinking all was well in the morning, expecting maybe  only small movements up or down (10ish) on the wheat front. However, I was following @hedgeit_tcronin and he quickly reweeted info about the Ukraine export ban. However, his sense was that a lot of the changes in price would not sustain due to the prices already reflecting the expected export bans by the Ukraine and Russia. In a sense, he believed that the rumour was already reflected in the market prices. So, I held firm with the trades I made and saw the prices drop back down to the level that I wanted them to be.

This sort of highlights his style of aggregating a lot of info and retweeting it, but the providing his own commentary. He is a great source of finding information about reasonings why prices are changing.

I definitely suggest that you give him a follow.

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