No Rule This Week

This week I really just stuck with the technical analysis that has been working for me for quite a while now and I was able to maintain my targeted gains of 1k. I made the majority of my money by longing soybeans and shorting corn. Both of these were from a head and shoulders pattern that was being shown in both. In soybeans, I say an inverted head and shoulders and in corn I saw a regular head and shoulders. However, the one that I saw in corn was not as well defined as I had hoped, but it has paid off a little bit none the less.

The head and shoulders pattern that I have seen on soybeans on the other hand was a little bit better defined and paid off through much of this week. However, instead of holding my position, I closed it when I had made some gains. Later in the day I had second guessed myself and decided to jump back in. I had seen the support level at approximately 1540 and had gone long at that point, but got out at approximately 1550. I got back in at 1560. It had reached into the mid 1560’s by the end of the week. I then tried to get out of the position, but I realized that it would not end up going through the system so I canceled the trade. Over the weekend, I realized how costly this may be due to a drop in price on the Global Exchange. All in all, it was an average week with some average gains and the usually slight mistake that hurt possible gains.

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