
Well guys, it was really fun blogging about all of this stuff, but I suppose that this can be our last one as we were told we could start to wind it all down. The past week really got me disheartened in the whole system so I don’t really feel like I should bother. I got hit with tons of problems with the system because of soybeans taking the wrong price. I suppose I will be experimenting on some different things bit by bit. I will continue to make comments on blogs and keep up with stuff on twitter, but until the end of the course, my blogs will be much more sporadic.

I guess I should talk about what “theoretically” went right for me. I did technically lose a significant amount of money, but it was almost entirely due to the system continuing to take the wrong price on soybeans. However, I did “make” money from going short on soybeans. I mentioned in my presentation that on the weekly charts for soybeans they were showing a head and shoulders pattern so I had triggers set at 1500 (the support level) to go short if it broke through that point. Once it did, prices took a freefall and have fallen approximately 75 points as of Sunday. I did forget to mention in the presentation that it was Victor who point it out. TOTALLY FORGOT TO SAY THAT AND I SHOULD’VE, SORRY!

I may still experiment on corn for a little while. I also mentioned in class how I was uncertain as to whether it was a downward triangle or rectangle that I was seeing and right now I’m still not sure and have continued to trade it as a continuation pattern rectangle. Maybe there might be some other signals in the future.

On another note, if anyone is reading this, do you happen to know any other sites where we can practice our trading in commodities futures? Also, are any of you familiar with some good discount brokers?

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