Turkey advertisement by PETA targeting school children

The following advertisement above is the one that PETA Is putting up near schools to make children think about what they eat. They are targeting children so that they can spark up discussions with parents and influence them to eat something else other than Turkey (specifically encouraging to go vegan). Although this campaigning strategy is targeting children, it’s targeting the more vulnerable population. Children are innocent so by PETA putting up their billboards near schools, children will take in what they see and qill question themselves..

The message in the image above is strong and the audience they are targeting is very emotional and putting up this advertisement outside elementary schools shows that PETA wants to target the vulnerable population who would most likely want to go vegan and ask their parents to not eat turkey or any other meat. Although PETA is an animal activist group and encourages people to go Vegan, is it ethically correct for any business to target school children specifically?

Vulnerable audiences is a major issue to think about because sometimes it may be ethical or unethical. Children is the most vulnerable audience and by advertising outside schools and near them, it may be bad exposure depending on certain products. PETA’s idea to  target school children may provoke other business groups and/or NGOs to do the same. This could, maybe, be a bad idea as businesses may abuse this idea and use it to advertise about wrong things to children. So as a whole, even though PETA is targeting schools to raise awareness about animal rights, it should be done in a way so they are not just going for the easy and vulnerable population.

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08. October 2012 by akankshakapil
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