Monthly Archives for November 2012

Save On Meats: A mecca for the Downtown Eastside

Save on Meats is a popular restaurant in Downtown Eastside, Vancouver. The owner, Mark Brand, is a social entrepreneur. Save on Meats is considered to be the “Mecca” of Downtown Eastside for several reasons. Firstly, Brand employs a number of … Continue reading

18. November 2012 by akankshakapil
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TVO kids to restructure to bolster kids digital innovation

TVO kids is planning on restructuring so that it reduces its costs and is reallocating its resources so that it boosts kids educational media. In order to do this they are merging six different departments into three which will be … Continue reading

18. November 2012 by akankshakapil
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Fujitsu to expand service sales amid lower hardware demand

The Japanese company Fujitsu has been experiencing a lack of demand for it’s hardware product so is planning to expand its sales of services. Profit has been declining for three years straight which is terrible as this could lead to … Continue reading

18. November 2012 by akankshakapil
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Comment on External Blog: Marketing for holiday insulting to veterans

Jim DeGolyer posted on a website and blogged about how insulted he was when a mattress company that tried to advertise for a sale during Veteran’s day called it a holiday. He says he has questioned many times before on … Continue reading

18. November 2012 by akankshakapil
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Square launches in Canada

The square application is a new application that was launched by the creator and co-founder of Twitter, Jack Dorsey. This is an incredible application and business venture for Dorsey because it allows anyone to accept credit card payments. This is … Continue reading

17. November 2012 by akankshakapil
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IKEA goes green but many of its customers are seeing red

IKEA is a very well known brand for furniture, however they are looking to “Go Green”. They are aiming to not only produce green, but are wanting to make sure that their customers are going green as well. This is … Continue reading

16. November 2012 by akankshakapil
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