IKEA goes green but many of its customers are seeing red


IKEA is a very well known brand for furniture, however they are looking to “Go Green”. They are aiming to not only produce green, but are wanting to make sure that their customers are going green as well. This is a beneficial factor because it improves IKEA’s image and reduces their production costs. For example, the amount of energy they would need to produce the furniture, the packaging involved with it, and any other factors. The fact that the packaging will be recyclable is great because it helps with sustainable development and customers would be forced to live in a sustainable way because the products they are buying are energy efficient and environmentally-friendly. In addition, it is cheaper than the other products so it reduces customer’s costs and in terms of business ethics what it is doing is smart and ethical business decision. The major advantage to IKEA is that they would gain a major point of difference which would be its environmentally friendly products and would be more attractive than its competitors products.

Although this idea is beneficial for IKEA, there are a few disadvantages with it. IKEA has a few issues in terms of how they deal with customer issues. Many have complained that there are missing parts in the products they buy and that when they call up for customer service they are not being dealt with properly. Although going green increases IKEA’s profit, not having a good customer service and being irresponsible with making sure their products are packaged with all parts will make it lose potential customers.

Article: http://www.consumeraffairs.com/news04/2012/11/ikea-goes-green-but-many-of-its-customers-are-seeing-red.html

16. November 2012 by akankshakapil
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