Monthly Archives for October 2013

Change in Consumer Behaviour Through Mobile Devices

Smart phones. I’m sure that’s a term everyone has heard of. You won’t believe how much consumer behaviour has changed overtime through these devices! How can one small device create such a big change? Well, think about it! People use … Continue reading

15. October 2013 by akankshakapil
Categories: Uncategorized | Leave a comment

Axe Black Chill – Insulting both men and women?

Axe is at it again. Their commercials, in the past, have spurred up a lot of comments about the way they degrade women, but their new commercial, Axe Black Chill, seems to insult both men and women. The beginning of … Continue reading

08. October 2013 by akankshakapil
Categories: Uncategorized | 2 comments

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