Axe Black Chill – Insulting both men and women?

Axe is at it again. Their commercials, in the past, have spurred up a lot of comments about the way they degrade women, but their new commercial, Axe Black Chill, seems to insult both men and women.

The beginning of the ad starts off with “women getting hotter every year” and that “men cannot control themselves”. Axe has openly stated that men of our generation are no longer able to control their hormones when they see women around them, which does not improve the role of women in society.

This commercial clearly shows that Axe is targeting the youth. Their target market is, in fact, men ranging between 18 to 24 years old. Axe has segmented their consumers in a very interesting way mainly because men at these ages are vulnerable and are willing to do anything to impress women. They are at a point in their life where they have come to the real world and are ready to date, but how are they supposed to impress them? Well, through Axe (at least that is what all of their commercials seem to imply).

Axe may seem to do a good job at selling their products and becoming a popular deodorant brand for men, but their methodology will get old and people will stop buying their products. Axe needs to change its reputation. They should no longer market themselves as a brand that gets women…there are better ways to make men want to buy their deodrant. Everyone has come out of that mentality a while back.


08. October 2013 by akankshakapil
Categories: Uncategorized | 2 comments

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