Change in Consumer Behaviour Through Mobile Devices

Smart phones.

I’m sure that’s a term everyone has heard of. You won’t believe how much consumer behaviour has changed overtime through these devices! How can one small device create such a big change? Well, think about it! People use their smart phones for almost everything: texting, social media, online shopping, etc. I know I use my phone for checking my facebook, skyping, facetiming, or even listening to music. It’s something I never leave my site and have with me at all times.

This evolution has made businesses incorporate m-commerce into their business strategies. There are apps developed by every company so that consumers will download them onto their smart phones or tablets and use that to interact with the company. In fact, around 15% of mobile users use their cellphones for online shopping, and this is an area for potential growth. M-commerce will become the next best thing and many businesses will use this to advertise content to the general public. It has become a gateway for a new target market.

But would this transformation in consumer behaviour lead to future problems?

Although smart phones are transforming consumer behaviour, it can create future problems. The high usage of smart phones and the internet has caused future generation to be anti-social. They become addicted to the virtual world that they forget reality. Internet addiction HAS been classified as a mental disorder. It inhibits social interaction which has led to a phrase called “phubbing”.

Smart phones may be great in terms of a new business strategy, but what about the social impacts? How many hours a day do you spend time using your phone? How much time do you spend outside?

Try to avoid your phone for 24 hours and explore your surroundings. There’s a lot you could be missing out on!


15. October 2013 by akankshakapil
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