COMM296, Blog 3: Lenovo’s New Product Engineer, Ashton Kutcher

Lenovo’s New Product Engineer: Ashton Kutcher.
Chinese Computer Maker Lenovo Hires Ashton Kutcher to Help Design Tablets.

Lenovo Group Ltd., a Chinese personal computer producer, has hired Ashton Kutcher, who stars on the television show “Two and a Half Men” and movie “Jobs” which he was portrayed as Apple’s co-founder Steve Jobs, to help design its new product, Yoga tablets. The device will come in a longer battery life with better specifications,  as the company seeks to gain attention from Apple’s customers. The company hopes the endorsement deal with Mr.Kutcher will provide a smooth launch for its Yoga tablets in the US.

With this marketing strategy, I feel that Lenovo decided to play safe by collaborating with Mr.Kutcher to enter the US market, since it’s difficult for a foreign brand like Lenovo to capture the market share in the US, where Apple’s headquarter is located. It is undeniable that Apple has a larger and a stronger consumer base. By cooperating with Mr.Kutcher, Lenovo will be able to promote Yoga tablets to consumers who have aspire to become like Ashton Kutcher. The company will be able to take an advantage of Mr.Kutcher’s positive reputation and popularity (15 million followers on Twitter account). Collaborating with Mr.Kutcher also increases the value of Yoga tablets as it becomes more exclusive. With this marketing strategy, Lenovo will be able to capture consumers who like exclusive products, high technology innovation and have aspiration.

Ironically, Mr.Kutcher was portrayed as Steve Jobs, who was behind Apple’s success, in Jobs. In reality, Mr.Kutcher is in fact a tablets designer for a PC developer, Lenovo. Lenovo’s marketing strategy can also be seen as a way to deteriorate the image of Apple in order to market itself.

Looking from both perspective, either way benefits Lenovo. This marketing strategy is undoubtedly clever.

Links to articles:
Lenovo’s New Product Engineer: Ashton Kutcher
Chinese Computer Maker Lenovo Hires Ashton Kutcher to Help Design Tablets

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