As times are getting tougher financially, people are starting to get frustrated. What started out as a gathering by a dozen college students has turned into a nationwide phenomenon now sparking protests anywhere from Pittsburgh all the way to San Francisco. The students started protesting on Wall Street three weeks ago and have gradually gained hundreds of supporters standing by their side. Social inequality, citizens arrested for unpaid bills, and global warming are some of the causes that ignited this. The protests in the other cities mentioned are quite smaller but their voices are being heard loud and clear as well. More on how the cities it has spread to and the origination of it can be found here.

Hundreds of people have now joined the twelve college students who started this protest and have been making their voices loud and clear.
I truly feel that America is in an interesting but nonetheless stressful time in its history. Every second property is being foreclosed, people are unable to pay their bills, employers are cutting down on costs by letting go workers, and for those have been able to keep their jobs are not getting raises. The people have a right to voice their anger, frustration, and concern, but I am not certain if this is the right way to do it…
(Image from Google)