Wayne Gretzky…New Owner of the Toronto Maple Leafs?

A city that has a passion for hockey deserves an owner that also shares the same feeling. Apparently “The Great One” is rumoured to be in a major deal that would see and him a large group of investors take over one of the most beloved, yet hated hockey teams in the world. Greg “Puck Daddy” Wyshynski’s of Yahoo! has written an article on this topic that is quite intriguing. Whether you’re a hockey fan or not, when a person is betrayed by a person or organization they trust, it’s always something that stings. I say this simply because the NHL owes him $7 million and counting for being part owner and coach of a Phoenix Coyotes team that had a lot of trouble putting fans in the seats.

As a result the team was losing tens of millions of dollars a year, and he just couldn’t deal with an organization that wasn’t providing any incentive for him to stay. Whether you’re a hater or lover of the Toronto Maple Leafs they are worth well over half a billion dollars and can make anyone’s wallet fill up considerably quick if you happen to be one of the few lucky individuals who owns the team. What’s in it for Gretzky? The money, the passion of a true hockey market, and a team that has no problem selling out no matter how bad they are…everything an investor would look for when seriously considering purchasing a company.

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Blackberry Slashes Playbook by $300

The stock is going down, sales are going down, and its employees to let more and more workers go by the month it seems, but in spite of all of this, Blackberry has been able to catch some positive coverage. The product they released that was dubbed as the competitor to Apple’s iPad, the Blackberry Playbook has not been selling anywhere near as well as investors hoped or what the company itself projected. In an attempt to regain the short lived attention and hype it once had, the company has slashed the base model from $500 amazingly to a modest $200.

It has sparked much interest, mostly positive, but many critics are questioning as to whether or not the company may have put its reputation on the line. Blackberry is known as a company creating products with style, elegance, and quality, but they have always commanded a price above most other devices in the market. By lowering this price are they setting a new standard in terms of what loyal customers can expect? Or will it be one of those “overnight quick buck” operations, and once the company has restored themselves to where they have been successful, will the prices rise once again?

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Spain Elects New Leader

Greece as we all know has been going through a crisis that seems almost impossible to come back from. It has been the only nation in Europe that has perhaps been as publicized as much it has. Italy was the next in line, after requesting for a bailout they had no choice but ask their fellow European partners to bail them out. Now it’s a three peat, and Spain is facing some trouble now as they have just elected a new leader by the name of Zapatero.

They are no where near as in much debt as the other two countries that have filed for bankruptcy and a bailout. Labour rules and new banking regulations will be the key to a successful campaign for the newly elected leader. If he can manage to turn the ship around Spain in a very short period of time could be much better off than a lot of other nations who could potentially request for a bailout in the near future.

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The NBA…Is This Really Happening?

Nick Parkhaev’s article on the NBA lockout has not only intrigued myself as avid basketball fan, but millions across the world as we watch to wait and see how this shocking story unfolds. It is not uncommon for lockouts to occur, as the NHL (National Hockey League) and NFL (National Football League). For those uncertain of what a lockout refers to in a sports league, it means that the players and owners cannot come to an agreement as to how much each party will earn from revenues generated by the league.

Unfortunately as Mr. Parkhaev noted, it is not as simple as a 50/50 split otherwise the games would have been underway in an instance. The players are demanding 57% (accounted for $4 billion last year) but the owners are unwilling to budge from their initial offer of 46%. However, something we need to understand is that it’s beyond the players and owners. There are going to be many employees laid off from ushers to restaurant workers of the arenas. This is not good news for an American economy that has already heard enough about unemployment. It is definitely one of the most bizarre and unexpected lockouts in sports history. Players are demanding salaries they would never be paid regardless of their talent, and owners would be losing more which is not why they invested in their team. It will be interesting to see how this story will continue, but to all of my fellow NBA fans out there, don’t be surprised if there is absolutely no basketball this season.

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Apple…The King of Entrepreneurs?

It all started in the summer of 1976 in a garage that barely had any space for 3 people, let alone the equipment, machinery and everything that was needed to be worked on in there. But the mind did not need any space, and although to the eye it seemed as if the ideas were clustered and disorganized, Steve Jobs, Steve Wozniak, and Ronald Wayne had an idea that would change the world and the way it thought of technology. Selling the first computer they made to many tech giants across the board, they all gave Jobs the same answer calling him ‘stupid’, and saying that “no one will want to own a PC.” I bet every single one that passed him on is calling it the biggest mistake they could have ever made.

With a single minded and laser beam focused goal to enhance the world through gadgets and devices that would change the way humans interacted and worked, he introduced the Macintosh, iMac, iPod, iPhone, and iPad throughout his journey. With each introduction only gaining more respect, more acceptance, and becoming more well known, it wasn’t hard to tell that this company was going places. A person took this company that no one wanted anything to be apart of to one that people would be proud to say they are with. The company generated revenues of $108.249 billion as of 2011. Innovation, having the passion and persistence to create new and better products on an annual pace it seems as the norm nowadays, Apple has done everything an entrepreneur wishes he/she could have achieved, including being extremely well off financially and is a brand that is only associated with tremendous respect, integrity, and character.

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Apps…Are The Skies The Limit?

Chloe Kim’s article has covered a topic that perhaps we take for granted most of the time. Whether you own a Blackberry, iPhone, or Android, we all know whether it’s the games we purchase, or the GPS we use on it to go somewhere, or even checking email, these apps are cutting edge and the potential seems limitless. It is crazy at times to reflect and think how far along the human race has truly come. I doubt most tech pundits could even imagine in their wildest dreams the devices we would have today ranging from the iPod even to the idea of a basic and simple laptop.

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A few days ago, a company just announced that they had come up with an app that would allow a person to start their car replacing the key the dealership provided. I know what you’re thinking, that’s crazy isn’t it? The fact of the matter is whether we like it or not, we’re living in a world now where we have to keep ourselves up to speed on new creations, and if necessary they should be implemented in our lives. I’m not telling anyone what phone they should be buying, but whichever one you possess make the most of it!

Despite Little Hype, iPhone 4S Sells Out

It’s quite remarkable and somewhat ironic too that the day after the new iPhone 4S was released by Tim Cook, Steve Jobs passed away. Many people were expecting the iPhone 5 to be released, however only a revamped version of the previous phone was presented to an eager crowd in the auditorium in California. I feel that the death of Jobs perhaps sparked a little more interest than usual in Apple products, specifically the iPhone. The stock had dropped almost $18 the day the product was released, but still somehow managed to sell out their online stock of the phone set to be released on October 14th.

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The new phone offers 1080p playback and a longer lasting battery life (no surprise), hardly making it an upgrade for one who already owns an iPhone 4 as there is 720p and a 10 hour life. However, for someone who’s tired of the phone they currently have and are shopping for a new one, perhaps the iPhone would be a good choice. Perhaps the most exciting addition is the iOS 5 which features iMessage (dubbed as the BBM killer). It’s a bittersweet moment for Apple losing their heart and soul in Steve Jobs, but feeling success once again with a new phone….For more information on the features this phone offers please visit here. Fellow blogger Akash Patel has done a wonderful job at breaking down the features as well.

Wall Street Protest Gaining Steam

As times are getting tougher financially, people are starting to get frustrated. What started out as a gathering by a dozen college students has turned into a nationwide phenomenon  now sparking protests anywhere from Pittsburgh all the way to San Francisco. The students started protesting on Wall Street three weeks ago and have gradually gained hundreds of supporters standing by their side. Social inequality, citizens arrested for unpaid bills, and global warming are some of the causes that ignited this. The protests in the other cities mentioned are quite smaller but their voices are being heard loud and clear as well. More on how the cities it has spread to and the origination of it can be found here.

Hundreds of people have now joined the twelve college students who started this protest and have been making their voices loud and clear.

I truly feel that America is in an interesting but nonetheless stressful time in its history. Every second property is being foreclosed, people are unable to pay their bills, employers are cutting down on costs by letting go workers, and for those have been able to keep their jobs are not getting raises. The people have a right to voice their anger, frustration, and concern, but I am not certain if this is the right way to do it…

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Target on The Bull’s-eye

A company that’s already been so successful in the billions (U.S.A.) will be heading north of the border in 2013. To say there is hype for the first Target store opening in 2013 in Ontario would be an understatement-people are becoming restless. With Zellers being panned anywhere one goes, why wouldn’t anyone not be excited to have a store in their neighbourhood that offers prices like no where else, with quality that is unheard of? Destined for success, 220 locations nationwide have already been purchased and besides Ontario will include provinces such as B.C., Alberta, and Quebec.

Amazingly they’ve already developed a clientele here even though there isn’t one store here yet. When prices sky rocket here, Canadians in general usually drive south of the border for their shopping. And where do they go? They visit a store by the name of Target! According to the company they suspect that at least 70% of Canadians are familiar with the brand and that 10% have shopped at one of their locations in the last 12 months. A recipe for success is what I smell and wallets getting heavier is what they’ll probably be feeling once the first few stores are opened here. Overall it’s a smart move…

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Short Term Pain, Long Term Gain

There are basic principles, ethics, morals, and values that people follow and believe to shape who they are. Roger Goodell the Commissioner of the NFL (National Football League) declared he’d take a $10 million (brings his salary down to $1) pay cut if the NFL would remain in a lockout. His significantly reduced paychecks were short-lived as the players and owners recently came to a 10 year agreement regarding salaries. But there’s something that can be learned from this. Business is business, and it doesn’t matter what stage it’s at or what level it’s on. A wise man once said to me, “If one can’t save pennies, how can they expect to save hundreds, thousands, or even millions for that matter?”

Roger Goodell and his executive team walk out of a bargaining agreement meeting between the owners and players putting a smile on for once.

It’s not a question of whether Goodell could live without a few extra million as he’s currently midway through a lucrative contract, it’s the fact that he wanted to show his colleagues that he was willing to do whatever he could to save the league. Its human nature to apply “monkey see, monkey do” as many coaches, scouts, and executive personnel of teams followed by taking pay cuts during the short lived lockout. It’s amazing to see how $1 could impact $9.5 billion in revenue that the league is expecting to take in this year.  Short term pain, for a long term gain…More information can be found here.

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