
Water,gift of nature?

Water,gift of nature? by ArjunKochhar

I strongly believe that one should learn to be ethical both in life and in business. If a company practices ethical standards it would enjoy a good reputation in the market. However if a company does not follow ethical standards or fulfil social responsibility, it would tarnish the image of the company in the market.

I would like to cite the example of Nestle Waters Canada. Nestle is a swiss company with its operation in Canada in the state of British Columbia. Nestle got around 265 litres of fresh water from Hope without paying any money. Nestle has its operation in Western Canada where it sells the fresh water from Hope to the residents at $1.19. Thus, the residents have to pay an amount for water, which should actually be free.

I feel that the government of British Columbia should impose taxes and laws for withdrawing water free of cost from their own property and Nestle should also work towards social responsibility and practicing ethical standards.

I would like to conclude by saying that every company should work hard in maintaining a safe and healthy environment by working towards social responsibility and practicing ethical standards.

Story written by ArjunKochhar


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