I have always attempted to keep a journal of some sort since my days in elementary school but there was just never an incentive for me to have one, given that a journal is something that one wants to hide and not let others see. Years later when the blogosphere exploded into our lives, I did think about having a blog, but you see, blogs are different from journals in a way that we WANT people to read them. We WANT hits and comments on our blog and the fear of having an audience of perhaps my own parents (checking to see what I have been up to) and a couple of friends who I forced to read my posts, made the thought wane.
Comm 101 though, has served as a sudden thrust into this unknown blogging world and who knows what lies ahead! What articles shall I pick? What should I write about? How am I going to link my class notes to what I will be filling this blog with? What do all these confusing buttons do? I will probably grow into this as the weeks go by…