About Me

To follow me on my wanderings, my LinkedIn and Twitter pages are where you’ll  best find me.

“No” was the first word that I uttered as a young child. To this day, I believe in the value of saying “no” to people. Saying yes to everything can kill you. Knowing when to say no allows one to focus on his/her primary deliverables efficiently, grow creatively, and recognize opportunities faster.

What fascinates me most about marketing is the power behind how a product/service is communicated to consumers which gives it added value; even when its attributes have not been enhanced. You can have the best product out there, but it won’t be worth anything if no one’s heard about it. As a marketer, it is my passion is to generate interest, create excitement, and to capture this ‘added value’.

I bring to the table a unique perspective, having educational and work experience in Asia and North America, along with time in the Singapore Armed Forces. I have been consistently recognized for spotting and mentoring new talent, as well as strategic thinking. Entrepreneurship runs in my blood, and public speaking is a friend of mine. I also love competition – it brings out the best in people, and shows a different side in others’ when they’re not on the winning end.

I hold a Bachelor of Commerce from the University of British Columbia, and am an alumnus of St. George’s School.

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