Fake Medicine Advertisement

October 3rd, 2013 § 0 comments

Nowadays, advertisement is not a new vocabulary for all of us. Everyday, everywhere, we are surrounded with various advertisements persuading consumers to make purchases on their products. However, mendacious advertising made up by those deceitful merchants causing the loss of consumers both physically and mentally.

Medicine advertisement occupied a large portion in this field. Back in China, once a company made up an advertisement talking about an unguent, which can provide a perfect treatment on diverse diseases such as high blood pressure, diabetes, asthma and so on. During the whole advertising period, an retired elderly was invited to play a role as a traditional medicine doctor who have an old but highly effective prescription, which was handed down from his ancestors. This is quite stupid and technically people can find it tricky through its exaggerated decription. However, those who suffered a lot from diseases flock to products and the company did not be exposed until this year.

To be honest, advertising has to be one of the most significant components in the marketing place. Merchants make their advertisement to be creative in order to attract consumers, which resulted in an increase in their sales. Nevertheless, consumers still have to be clear about the function of the product.



1) http://www.medscape.com/viewarticle/809491

2) http://business.sohu.com/20130315/n369011231.shtml

3)http://www.everyday-economist.com/2012/10/fake-medical-student-upsets-campus.html (picture)

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