Warranty Service of Apple in China

October 6th, 2013 § 0 comments

Many concerns have attracted by the business issue that the apple company treats different countries in distinct ways. In this year, many consumers in China complained about the warranty services provided by Apple stores.

Initially, the warranty service of Apple indicates that products including iPhones and iMacs are guaranteed for twelve months, from date of sale, providing only by impersonal factors. The feedback from customers, however, revealed that the rules seem quite different from other countries to China. Apple is supposed to offer a new iPhone to the user if the good was broke within the guarantee period. Nevertheless, they didn’t change the back cover and the staff used the “rule of Apple” to reply the query of customers. Moreover, the warranty time period only last for ninety days after they get a new one. According to the recent reports presented by Chinese journalists in different countries, Apple is sort of involved in a suspicion of discrimination.

To this issue, the official reply from Apple said that it was the lack of communication between customers and them that finally caused the problem. They promise to modify the rules and to provide all customers with bran new experiences. The company apologized and claimed that they did not mean to treat customers in distinct ways.

From this case, I feel like that communication plays a significant role in business field. An enterprise especially the one with high reputation ought to ensure a better interaction and gain the feedback regularly which do contribute to the marketing in the future.



1) http://news.xinhuanet.com/info/2013-04/02/c_132279072.htm

2) http://business.sohu.com/20130315/n369006386.shtml

3) http://www.slashgear.com/what-i-learned-from-working-at-the-apple-store-0888979/ (picture)


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