Ladakhi Women’s Travel Company

November 14th, 2013 § 0 comments


As the first travel company that is female owned and operated in Ladakh, it is an internationally outstanding case of successful social entrepreneurship. Ladakh is one of the most beautiful and attractive places in northern India. This travel agency was fund by Thinlas Chorol, one of the most experienced guides in Ladakh.


Ladakhi Women’s Travel Company offers great opportunity to those women who stay at home having nothing interesting to do. It gathers more and more women who love their hometown and want to have a better life doing something benefit the society. Ladakhi women are trained to be tourists who work for the travel agency. It provides homestay, in which you can experience Ladakhi in a different way. The funder of this travel agency, Thinlas, aimed to encourage women to protect and develop their hometown in an environmentally friendly way. Fortunately, it works. The company highly contributed to the local economic growth, and proven that women deserve the same status as men have.


Gender issue has been raged as one of the most controversial ones in the recent society. People argue about why women cannot perform the same job better than men do. Ladakhi Women’s Travel Company positively pointed out the ability that women can independently live on their owns.


1) (pictures)


3) (Interview with Thinlas Chorol)

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