Fido’s customer service — Comment one

November 15th, 2013 § 0 comments

Comments on the blog posted by my classmate, Zhang, Jiaxuan

Fido’s customer service

Posted on October 7, 2013

The title of this blog reminds me of few calls I received several weeks ago. Instead of Fido, I chose Rogers in the very beginning. The reason for this is simply because of the rumor I heard that the data service provided by Fido is not as stable as Rogers does, although it charges five dollar less.


From reading the blog Jiaxuan posted about the customer service call, I found the one I received is a little bit different from what she got. The man who was calling me basically reported and explained the usage information of the phone service to me. I know many people are very busy with their personal stuff like me who seldom check the usage information on Rogers website and that might be the reason why Mr. Rogers decide to make phone calls to his customers reminding them with their bills and try hard to build connections.


The man who was doing the phone call is extremely patient. I can feel it from his voice. I told him I have connected my bill account to my bank account, which makes it easier for me as I don’t have to pay the bill myself every month. I really appreciate what Rogers did for me since I have a better understanding of the bill information before the money transfer to my Rogers account.




1) (picture)

2)   links of the blog post of Jiaxuan Zhang:

Fido’s customer service

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