Sharing My Ponderings in ETEC 540

Task 10 – Attention Economy

I was ecstatic that I made it through this unbelievably tricky “game” in just 9 minutes on my first try, but after looking through others’ Task 10 posts, it seems others were even faster than I was!

Unpopular opinion: I really enjoyed this task! Knowing that the interface was trying to trick me helped a lot in my problem-solving process, and it was fun to see the strategies that were used to confuse the player. With that being said, some sections really tripped me up.

Without ruining this task for anyone else, the aspects of this activity I found most difficult were:

  • Closing pop-up boxes (took me a few too many clicks to find the “Close” button!)
  • Making it through the last “Are you a human?” step. I kept thinking I completed it correctly, but each time I was forced to re-check the boxes and try again. It took me awhile to realize where my mistake was made, and it was not what I expected!

This game made me feel like I was viewing a website how my Grandma might see it. Each pop-up was overwhelming,  the screen was cluttered with an assortment of media messages all screaming for your attention, and each error was painfully frustrating because you don’t know where you’re going wrong. This task was certainly eye-opening as to the techniques interface designers use to help web users know where to click, and how these techniques can be strategically manipulated to lead users astray (especially when advertisements are involved!).

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