Re:Urthecast – Not Many People Want To See “thecast”

In a blog by fellow classmate Eric Cho, I have found that I have a much different take on the success of Urthecast. Urthecast is one of the only companies out there that allow viewers, like us, to view the earth from outer space. Outside of private government agencies, the average man doesn’t have access to such technology.

In terms of business, many people are skeptical about how the company will make money by being free. In class the founder of Urthecast mentioned how they could give exclusive rights to cable news companies. I feel that this is an ingenious way to make money. Reflecting upon my own experience of seeing natural disasters on the news, I feel that we only get to see very small glimpses of a natural disaster in news reports. For example in the recent disaster in the Philippines, all the news reports have only shown videos of particular villages and towns. I have always wanted to see the natural disaster as a whole and I believe that Urthecast can cater to my need. This is a point of difference that no news channels has and Urthercast can provide this.



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