ALA Meeting, October 10 2018

ALA Meeting


Date: October 10, 2018

Time: 5:00 PM

Place: Trail Room

Members Present: Lisa, Erin, Kellen, Alvionne, Sophie, Lindsey, Rhiannon (YAACS)

Regrets (excused): Lara, Claire, Lucas, Rachel, Janet

Last Meeting: September 19, 2018
Minutes Approved: Yes

Meeting Agenda:

Call for expressions of interest in Executive positions

  • Alvionne will take over as Co-Chair in January and will shadow the co-chair role this term.
  • Sophie will be the new Social Media Coordinator.
  • Janet will be the new ALA Student Club Outreach Coordinator (expressed interest through email)

Discussion of events

  1. Scavenger Hunt
  • YAACS will partner with ALA for scavenger hunt again.
  • Scavenger hunt will be on campus to give students a chance to get to know UBC & campus libraries.
  • Will plan for January. Aim to have clues written by December.
  • Erin & Lisa will make shared Google Doc with different categories (libraries and IKBLC) to create list of clues.
  • Want to have variety of difficulties for clues, with different points and prize levels.
  • Sophie offered to look at scavenger hunt she’d previously planned for ideas.
  1. Branch opening/brunch debrief
  • Overall went well, but realized it might be hard for people to join events if we don’t have obvious way to identify that we’re ALA@UBC.
  • Could have buttons to identify us (education library might have button maker).
  • Sophie will look into setting up a virtual number so ALA@UBC can send text reminders to people instead of just using email.
  1. October event
  • Button making! Will need button machine and materials.
  • Plan for the end of October (maybe week of the 24th), not on a Wednesday.
  • Erin & Lisa will create a Doodle poll this weekend to finalize time/date.
  1. ALA Midwinter
  • Interest within ALA@UBC but want to gather interest from others.
  • Make announcements in classes and invite people to an event to discuss it (same time as button-making).
  • Will makes posts on social media to get people interested (Sophie will make an ALA@UBC facebook page).
  • Possibility of subsidizing related fees (note: fees are $120 for ALA members, $125 starting in November).
  1. Roundtable
  • Not enough time to organize for this term. Postpone until end of next term and start planning process now.
  • Should look into talking to a UBC librarian: maybe they can help with planning or suggest UBC library employees who could participate.
  • Erin & Lisa will talk to Richard.

Discussion of solutions for disseminating information to new iSchool students

  • ALA@UBC will create a shared Google Doc to gather advice for students (similar to course doc on SLAIS Social Page).
  • Will have a Q&A section.


  • Erin & Lisa will get new Exec members access to ALA Google Drive.

Next meeting

  • Will decide by Doodle poll.

Meeting Adjourned: 5:55 pm

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