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Archive for September, 2010

Russian Facebook Expansion Plans

Saturday, September 25th, 2010

             The class covered on September 23rd focused on “Intro to business Plans,” using Burger King’s new outlet in the Russian capital of Moscow as a primary example, (related article found here.) As burger king begins its new international venture, the company must review several key elements. Firstly, Mcdonald’s experience within the Russian market, as they have […]

Armani Encouraging Gender-Based Discrimination?

Sunday, September 19th, 2010

    I am writing in response of our third class regarding ethics and decision making, held on September 16. During the introduction of the class Mr. Paul Cubbon shortly mentioned an article he read earlier in the morning titled, “Sexy Dress Code Spurs Complaint.” A short summary of the article is offered: Metro-Vancouver. The formal complaint concerning […]

Students Become Tools For Fraud

Thursday, September 9th, 2010

      In today’s modern world you may think corruption and fraud aren’t hard to find in the business world, and who am I to tell you otherwise? It is surely a problem society has faced for years and will undoubtedly continue to struggle with. Unfortunately, it seems that organizations are stooping to a whole new low, even shocking to the most […]

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