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Provocative Marketing Stirs Interest



     Still a Virgin? If you havn’t already seen the billboard above, you should know that advertisements like these have been spread internationally across both Canada and America. The provocative question is gaurenteed to catch the attention of people passing by, so what’s this billboard about? A movie!

     Starring Will Ferrel, “The Virginity Hit,” is essentially about three guys who try to get their virgin pal get “laid” and memorialize it on camera. Though many people may believe this form of advertising is controversial or unethical, there is no argueing it’s affective. The most ingenious point about this advertisement is the amount of FREE additional commercialization it recieves. Google the billboard, theres hundreds of articles from media, ranging from Huffington Post to the Vancouver Sun itself. The story even made televized news on many local tv stations. Whether these stories criticize the add itself or not, they still spread the word of the upcoming film, and as we often hear, “all publicity is good publicity.” We were taught in class, the average consumer is bombarded with thousands of marketing of marketing displays a day, but it’s safe to say this one stick out, whether you like it or not.


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