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Archive for November, 2010

Merging Across Borders

Tuesday, November 30th, 2010

    In 1998 the German company Daimler-Benz and the American comany Chrysler merged to form DaimlerChrysler. The merger ended up being a failure, with DaimlerChryler’s stock being valued at half of what it had been on the day the merger was announced.     As with  my previous blog of the Greek economic crisis, this specified disaster can also be explained […]

The Greek Economic Crisis

Tuesday, November 30th, 2010

    On May 5, 2010 tens of thousands of protesters flooded the streets of Athens angered by huge tax hikes and drastic spending cuts (video link here.) The protest turned violent when protesters set the Greek Finance Ministry aflame with crude gasoline bombs killing three people inside. The question on everyones minds is how did […]

A Degree? I rather be an Entrepreneur!

Sunday, November 21st, 2010

    After learning about entrepreneurship and recent successful Sauder alumni such as Brian Wong I explored the subject online, stumbling across an article titled 15 Successful Entrepreneurs Who Did Not Need College. The members of this exclusive list include such prestigious names as: Richard Branson, Bill Gates, Milton Hershey, and even the legendary animator Walt Disney himself. […]

Money, Power, and Compliments?

Saturday, November 20th, 2010

      What truly motivated employees? Is it as simple as material goods, or perhaps an underlying trace of intrinsic motivation that pushes the common worker to their best? A Human Resources Article I found distributes motivation into 8 diverse categories which I interprated may be generalized into two basic classifications: Extrinsic and Intrinsic. I refer to intrinsic as an […]

Local Sustainability

Saturday, November 20th, 2010

      Business organizations around the world are now more than ever adapting to increasing Corporate Responsibility Standards in regards to sustainability. Our CSR and Sustainability class covered October 12 covered many interesting topics concerning our changing views on environmental issues and how businesses are beginning to further associating themselves within this area of interest.     I researched the local efforts made […]

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