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Comm 299 Blog #1 (Aleksandar Novakovic)


  The greatest lesson  I learned from someone has come from my sister. Through example, she showed me that I should never be reluctant to try new things or gain new experiences. The lesson helped me become more open-minded and take advantage of all opportunities thrown at me. Not only does this lesson have intrinsic value for me, but it is also highly appreciated in society. For example, in Sauder’s admission process the school looks in depth to an applicants extra-curricular activities which helps the school decide which applicants are most suitable for the business world. My sister’s lesson helped me become more involved in my school and community which ultimately helped me in getting accepted in the school. Becoming more open-minded is furthermore the first step to becoming more extrovert and sociable. Especially today in a globalized world there are more perspectives offered to individuals then ever before. As seen in Canada, a large collection of cultures, values, and beliefs mix together to create the great diversity seen in this country today. Being open to new experiences has developed as a person and allowed me to appreciate my surroundings and the diversity they offer.

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