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Punch 4 Punch!

I found some very interesting input from Venesia Rizani’s blog post titled Fighting Over “Green”. The post shared how Coca-Cola and PepsiCo are expanding their marketing competition to environmental issues, such as tacking waste and improving renewability. In this post I especially found Venesia’s point on how going “green” can boost morale of the company. This was a fantastic point and opens up an entire additional reason to choose environmentally friendly marketing campaigns. Not only does it appeal to a growing consumer base (as the sustainability issue spreads across the globe), but it also has strong internal incentives for a firm. Environmentally-friendly choices can completely change a company’s attitude towards non-for-profit initiatives, which in turn impacts the company culture. With a new culture the firms will likely attract a different application base and in time the entire company itself will seems to be completely renovated. Indeed Venesia’s point made me realize how greatly linked marketing is to other departments of the business such as human resources in this case. Similarly, a change in corporate culture is likely to impact a firm’s marketing campaign. It seems that there is a cycle of influence that is sent both to and from marketing that affects all sectors of business.




Furthurmore, Venesia’s posting also reminded me of our in-class example of competitive positioning exhibited by Audi and BMW, which is further illustrated by this video. It seems that, like Pepsi and Coke, Audi and BMW are fierce competitors and it is their strong marketing campaigns that secures their future success. Competitive positioning is basically how a firm will differentiate themselves in order to create value to their target market and both the Pepsi vs Coke as well as Audi vs BMW are great examples of this concept.

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