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A Colorful Impact

To draw inspiration for today’s post I read an external blog titled The Psychology of Color written by Drew McLellan, a 25 year marketing agency veteran. The blog explained how colors trigger powerful emotional responses and enters into detail about what each color represents. To begin, Think about the class we had a few weeks ago, where our groups were shown small segments of corporate logos on the projector, such as Coke and Heineken. From something as simple as a single brush stroke across a colored background many of us were able to recognize which company that logo belonged to from literally thousands of choices!

    This response by the consumer is why companies are interested in the psychology of color for the purposes of marketing. From designing logos, creating ads, building websites, and even creating products the psychology of Color is applicable. For example, it is believed that the color red stimulates your appetite, which is why chains such as Mcdonalds, Pizza Hut, and Wendy’s use it as the primary color in their logos. Additionally, the service’s industry use for blue is high as it is seen as productive and not invasive. However as I stated before, the application of this topic is not limited only to companies. We see colors and the emotions they generate on a daily basis and this concept expands to a global scale. Think about Canada’s flag, what emotions come to mind when you picture it in your mind? Our flag is colored white for peace and honesty as well as red for bravery, strength, and valor. Citizens take great pride in their countries flag and in the emotions the colors express. I found this topic particularly interesting for it illustrates the broad application of marketing and shows that insight is always available from personal experience.

Appetizing isn't it?

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