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Armani Encouraging Gender-Based Discrimination?

    I am writing in response of our third class regarding ethics and decision making, held on September 16. During the introduction of the class Mr. Paul Cubbon shortly mentioned an article he read earlier in the morning titled, “Sexy Dress Code Spurs Complaint.” A short summary of the article is offered: Metro-Vancouver. The formal complaint concerning gender-based discrimination recieved generous media attention and a human rights hearing is taking place on April 19 to 21st of this year.

    Only a few days after the lecture I found a popular link shared over facebook involving Armani’s new “face” Megan Fox advertising the international company’s product in a commercial teaser called, “The Tip,” found Here. After only 4 days the youtube video has recieved over 1.5 million hits proving the amazing marketing advantages of employing the beautiful actress/model to represent ones brand. This video, though successful in many ways, directly relates to the class involving gender-based discrimination. The way Ms. Fox represents herself in the commercial provides levarage for employers to further expect female workers to induce the class and sex appeal during work in certain clubs, restaurants, boutiques, etc. Should this marketing continue to exist in our modern society?

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