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Russian Facebook Expansion Plans


      The class covered on September 23rd focused on “Intro to business Plans,” using Burger King’s new outlet in the Russian capital of Moscow as a primary example, (related article found here.) As burger king begins its new international venture, the company must review several key elements. Firstly, Mcdonald’s experience within the Russian market, as they have already been profiting from Russian customers for several years. In addition to this, the firm must acknowledge language barriers which, if not properly handled, will lead to communication problems in future business.

      An article about Russian social networking company known as “Kontakte,” or contacts, is a Russian social networking company with wishes to go global and enter North American markets. In this endeavor Russia’s networking company faces many of the same concepts as Burger King. Kontakte must look to facebook as a guideline of how expansion may take place, just as Burger King will consider Mcdonald’s results. Russia’s social network also faces the language barrier Burger King had to overcome, as the site must include constant english uptades to please N. American customers. My analysis shows the common obstacles company’s must overcome whether expanding from America to Russia or vice-versa, and relation to class.

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